Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Preggo-Free Fantasies

This morning, at the crack of dawn, one of Boyfriend's best friends asked me "What are you looking forward to being able to do again, the most (when I'm no longer pregnant)?"

I'm so close to delivery at this point, I guess it got me thinking because I've been fantasizing constantly about the endless adventures of a preggo free life all day. Here's my list:

  1. Sleep. I'm talking sprawled out like Patrick the Starfish all over the entire bed, on my belly, knocked out, with yes, maybe even a little drool. I want to wake up with bed-head, hair all a mess, with those weird lines etched into my body where I've gotten tangled up in the sheets and junk... oh yeah. It may only last a couple hours at a time, but by golly, I'm ready for it.
  2. Soda. Specifically Mountain Dew and Sundrop. More specifically, Cherry Lemon Sundrop. Here in North Carolina, this is Sundrop Country, where it was brewed, born, and bred. Boyfriend has restricted my diet throughout this entire pregnancy (out of love of course). I've had NOTHING red and only 2 Mountain Dews and 1 Sundrop for the past 9 1/2 months. All that talk about after a while, you're body stops craving it anyway... yeah... not so much. I've got walks and marathons coming up so I can only indulge in soda a little... but as soon as Transformer pops out, I'm popping the top of my yummy, caffeinated, bottled Heaven.
  3. Shaving my legs. I already do this daily anyway, but trust me... it takes A LOT longer now than it ever did before. You never realize how much you appreciate those little comforts until they're gone... :/
  4. Junk food. Like I said, I know I can't go sugar binging but dang it, for a small period of time, I will. And it's going to be wonderful. Brownies, chocolate covered anything I want, those sodas I mentioned earlier... I'm gonna deliver right around Valentine's, so potentially, if I play my cards right, I could catch those ENORMOUS bags of Reese cups on sale. ChaCHING!!
  5. The gym. I know, right? I do NOT want to work my butt off, it looks AWESOME as is. In fact, I hope my butt stays pregnant forever. The rest of me... eh. I was never one of those girls that worried about my weight or what my body looked like before I ever got pregnant. Then I got pregnant with Munchkin and realized that was because I never needed to. Turns out, I was modest and vain at the same time, subconsciously. This time, I'm well aware and when I'm looking at my back fat or my second chin in the mirror, my eyes are WIDE OPEN. It's time for my thighs to lose some of that thunder they've been collecting. Plus, again, I've got charity walks and marathons and the dreaded Warrior Dash (yikes!) coming up, and as of right now, I'm gonna have a better chance of dying in a mud puddle somewhere before I have a chance at crawling across the finish line. I have visions of the wind blowing through my pony tailed hair, sun kissed skin dripping only that attractive sweat, and my body looking freakin AWESOME as I cross the finish line. Let's aim for that one instead of someone dragging me like a wounded animal... 
  6. Mommy-Munchkin time. Until you've experienced it, you can never understand how much cuddling up on the couch with your kid curling his tiny little body as far into yours as he can to snuggle, while you both sing stupid songs (that he LOVES), along with Yo Gabba Gabba, truly makes you smile. I love lots of people, but none of them come close to Munchkin on the love scale. Bring on the vanilla wafers, juice, and Nick Jr.
  7. Cocktails. Maybe it's a professional thing, like when people that roof ride around town checking out the shingles on buildings and houses without realizing it; but I can't wait to get fancy, go to the bar, and down a line of shots. I may only be half white but that half WILL be wasted. Not all the time, not often, and only on a night when we have a sitter for both kids, I'm just not the parent that drinks with my kid around. Maybe not soon enough, but definitely soon. Inebriation WILL occur.
  8. Cooking. I LOVE being in the kitchen. It's my favorite room in a home, followed closely by my closet. I have this insane habit of cooking for the masses... even if there's only 3 people eating. I love food. I love variety and color at every meal. I have this absurd phobia that people will leave my dinner table still hungry... so... I over-compensate. Some people do it with body parts or personality... I do it with food. Eh, it is what it is. I'm damaged, but if the worst thing about me is that I'll feed you to make myself feel good, well then I'm the
  9. Road trips. I have friends and family that I miss SO FREAKIN much. I can't work for a while anyway, and they want to meet my babies. They're all willing to feed us and house us, all I gotta supply are the kids and gas money! How can I say no to that?
  10. Last but definitely not least, I can not wait to go back to work. I've been exploring new career options. Realistically, I'm pretty good at well, everything cause if you remember from #8, I have that over-compensating complex and HAVE to be the best at whatever I do or life will end. It just will. If nothing else I have the option of going back to my old job, but I hate it and don't want to work with that bunch of douche-bags any longer if I don't have to, so I'm keeping my options open. I miss working for lots of reasons that are too in depth for this particular post, but it's on my high priority list.
Are there other things on my list? Of course. These are just my top ten. Can you relate? What are some of the things that you missed most or most looked forward to during your pregnancy? I wanna know.


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