Monday, February 6, 2012

WTH Did Preggo's Do Before the Internet?

So, I'm 38 weeks and 4 days into this pregnancy and counting down, but I've been on full blown bed rest since Dec 28th. For those of you that don't know, bed rest is hard work. I look around and see laundry, make mental to do lists, I wanna take Puppy out back and waddle around the back yard with him, I want to go scoop up Munchkin and take him to feed ducks and swing at the park, I want to go out with Boyfriend for pizza or to watch the game, I want to take this time while I'm not working and visit friends and family I never get to see, I want to get OFF the couch or OUT of the bed and GO... but alas... I keep my big ole barefooted planet belly plopped and propped like a good girl.

For a brief period of time, I attempted all of those things; but then I realized I was gonna give Boyfriend a heart-attack from worrying about mine and Transformer's well-being, after-all, I'm on bed rest for a reason. I was on bed rest from the day I found out I was pregnant with Munchkin, but THAT pregnancy was so miserable and I stayed so medicated that I slept through most of it, so I never needed extra mental stimulation. I recently found myself watching the 5th re-run of SportsCenter or some extremely old re-rerun of Law and Order, who can remember... and I had an epiphany: I have the Internet! Ah yes! The good old interweb... a vast oasis of life to explore. Sure, I already knew about YouTube and facebook, and various news websites (entertainment and world importance alike)... but I asked for recommendations and BOY of BOY, did I receive! I have now found myself addicted to reading blogs and "pinning" a million things a day on Pinterest. I terrified myself reading pregnancy/baby related stories and info. I have discovered new shopping sites that I have emailed myself so that I can set goals for when I finally get to go back to work. I have looked into new career options. I can house hunt or apartment shop without the clock ticking away my lunch break. I have learned new games to play with Munchkin and new ideas for stimulating Transformer once he makes his debut... it's an endless plethora of ideas, games, info, and stuff I never knew I cared about until now.

There are days where I truly feel like without Netflix, The Dirty, or Kindle, I would go absolutely stir crazy.

Were any of you put on bed rest? What did you do on your maternity leave? Any of you have more AMAZING websites you'd like to share? After all, I've got nothing but time...

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