Sunday, February 14, 2016

Childlike Faith in the Face of Uncertainty... What's the secret?

I should be sleeping, because 4am and a cranky, sleepy kid will come all too soon. Alas, here I lay, slightly freaked out, because in the morning, my Crazy One goes under for surgery, and I'm his mom. I have a right to be a wreck, right? And I am. As I prayed with the boys tonight, I remembered a few of those talks that Bruce used to have with us, about having the unwavering faith or a small child... And sure enough, there they lay... Perfectly content and just KNOWING undoubtedly that here we were praying and asking Jesus for this, so OF COURSE, Transformer is going to be just fine... Duh Mom. I wish so hard that I had that tonight, and normally, at the annoyance of others, I do. Tonight is not one of those because I'm human. I'm a Mommy, and because he's my child. Yes, he has an amazing medical team, but he's my baby. Yes, I know this is the right decision, but he's my baby. Yes, I know this is out of my control and solely in God's hands, but he's my baby. No amount of verbal consolation can remove this weight... And until he's back home with us, resting in my arms, I'll keep barely breathing. Prayers, would be so greatly appreciated. Prayer that snow will hold off so Munchkin can go to school in the morning,and I won't have to worry about his care for the day or having to tend to him in the office. Prayer that Transformer takes this experience and rocks it like a champ (like he does all things.) Prayer that Mommy can maintain my game face, without a day filled with Rumchata in my coffee. Prayer that Boyfriend breathes through this as well, because he is also human and when our children hurt,  he hurts. Prayer for a quick recovery. Prayer for rest, for our whole mini family, both physically and emotionally. Prayer that other people don't cry, cause that just stresses both of us out more. Prayer that Transformer doesn't wake up in the middle of surgery, because chances are high that that could happen. Prayer for us as a whole, but mostly that we too could wake up and go in to tomorrow with that same kind of unwavering love and faith and "duh" attitude that Jesus told me to have through them. Nervous does not do the amount of anxiety I feel tonight justice, but I know that this is the best thing. 
