Thursday, May 28, 2015

The Yelling Kind.

MommyHood: In the RAW.

Today a coworker said that she wondered if I ever actually yelled, fussed at, or argued with my children, and it made her feel good to know that I too, am one of those yelling kind (paraphrasing.) Let me be honest. Most days, I have really good children. Most days, I do try try to rationalize and be MommyHood: In the RAW.

Today a coworker said that she wondered if I ever actually yelled, fussed at, or argued with my children, and it made her feel good to know that I too, am one of those yelling kind (paraphrasing.) Let me be honest. Most days, I have really good children. Most days, I do try to be a little "extra" understanding. EVERY DAY THOUGH, I'm there MOM. Here's a BRIEF snapshot of what those "OTHER" days look like. 😂😳😫🍷

Our Day Today:

This morning: I get out of the shower. Gabriel screams, "NOOOOO, I want a shower RIGHT NOW." "We don't have time for you to take a shower right now, it's too late. You can take one tonight." (While screaming), he strips down and starts climbing in anyway. Yelling... 3... 2... Mommy Explosion.
Transformer fought clothes so hard, Daddy had to step in and take over to give me a minute to BREATHE.
After fighting about why he has to have shoes at all and forcing them on his flailing feet, we finally leave, 20 minutes late and all cranky.
On THE WAY to school while stuck in traffic, he decides to start screeching because he threw his glasses in the floor (on the far passenger side where I can't reach). I looked at Kyson in the mirror. He covered his ears, and we turned the radio up the classical station until Gabriel finally said "I'm done now." Just. Like. THAT. 😒
AT SCHOOL, he needed his eye drop. He knew it was coming. He LIKES his eye drop... Normally. Today, he squeezed his eye shut and started yelling because he wanted his drop in the OTHER EYE (that doesn't get or need medication), the drop ran down his face, and into his mouth. He then proceeds to start SPITTING ALL OVER OUR CAR. Laughing. Cause to him, this is all funny. No, no it's not. I talk. I soothe. I try to peer pressure and even bribe. No. Spanking #1.
No more eye drop fights after that.
INSIDE school, even though I had just spanked him 2 minutes prior, he screamed and clung on to me and ripped part of my hair out because he "wanted to hold me." This is an every... single... morning... thing... Until I'm out of sight 10 seconds later and then the boy is FINE.
Go to hug Kyson, who had taken my keys into his classroom while I was contending with Gabriel, and had "hidden them" with his friends so Mommy would stay longer. I wish, kid. Give me my keys, Little Dude. No, he thinks it's funny. It's been 10 minutes, and it is NOT funny anymore. Arguing commence. Yelling. Threatening NO ADVENTURE DAY IF YOU DON'T GOVE ME BACK MY KEYS RIGHT NOW.
I work. I leave work. I come home from work. I walk in the front door and 3 seconds later...
Kyson hugs me. Gabriel hugs me, climbs up me like a TREE, and tries to swing out of said tree like Tarzan, using my hair as the vine. I was less than pleased for him being so rough, intentionally. Fussing commence.
Eat your dinner or no surprise. Eat your dinner or straight to bed. Arguing commence.
After dinner, I set up a movie on the bed. It's 7:30, and we're preparing for down time and cuddles before bed. Gabriel has to pee. I turn the light on for him, close the door to give him privacy, (hey, the privacy thing COULD catch on!?) I walk outside to move my car. I look up, and see Transformer STREAKING, half naked, out the door, into the road, right in front of my car and into the road (with cars in motion.) Never, NEVER... Have a threw a car in park and jerked up my child so fast. Maybe 5 seconds past? I held on till we crossed through our threshold and closed the front door, and yes... Spanked my child. Put him in clothes and time out. Yelled at him, A LOT. Explained in my really not happy voice that although Heaven is awesome, I'd like for him to not go there yet, and getting run over could do that. I. Was. FURIOUS. Because he knows better. Spankings, fussing, yelling, arguing... I had the angry parent jackpot and the words just kept coming. All Rated G, mind you. I do NOT feel bad for spanking my child. I actually feel proud for holding it together in front of the neighbors. High five Mommy Self. High. Freakin. Five. ✋🏻✋🏻
I let him out of solitary confinement. He joins us on the bed. He climbs on Kyson's head. He knees me in the stomach. Sit down G. He puts his feet on our faces. Stop jumping boys. Get off of his HEAD, G. I'M NOT TELLING YOU AGAIN, stay off of his head. K, STOP THAT. It is NOT PLAY TIME. Sooooo much fussing.
Time for bed. Go give hugs. For some reason, hugging translated to, "K, practice your hip toss and throw your brother on the ground." No. Just... NO. Spanked Kyson. Picked up an already whiney G. Bedtime. We fight over who's sleeping on which side. We fight over one pillow or two pillows. Sharing blankets or no? No, you may NOT have your flashlight for bedtime. No, you are NOT sleeping in front of the door. Get OFF OF YOUR BROTHER'S HEAD. No, no you can not "MAKE" Puppy sleep with you. I give hugs. I get trapped, and repeat hair rip situation all over again, this time with no backup to help rescue me. I hug and kiss Kyson. He's still giving me the silent treatment, because "why is throwing my brother unacceptable?" I kiss them both again. I tell them I love them. G yells, "NO, leave the light on." No. Go. To. Bed. I close the door. G opens up 45 seconds later. We argue, again. He hits me. I spank him. He wants to hold me. I say no, it's time for bed. He goes to bed to hold his brother and they talk about how mean I am. Repeat door opening, spanking, and closing 2 more times.

FINALLY, peace. So, yes. I yell. I fuss. I scream. I argue. I spank. Some days, I just have to walk it out.
