Monday, May 9, 2016

When Knowing Your Worth Becomes Confidence and Not Conceit

Well, Hello there 32. I've been challenged a lot this past year to really think about my story, and the part that I play in this life. I've reached this place where I know exactly who I am. Sweetly Broken. Wholly Surrendered for God. Loved & loving. Happy. Appreciated & appreciative. Momma Bear to my Littles, & the Crazy Counterpart to my Big. I know my worth & my value. I Pray Intentionally, always starting off with "Dear Jesus..." I say awkward things. I play Hide and Seek with "TheLight" every day, but I always find it. I am the child of many, but my Dad is the King Of Kings, & I own my place as His Pretty Little Princess. I give meds each night & kiss booboos & do homework & read the same stories 146 times & tackle mountains of laundry & taxi us to all appts & birthday parties & adventures & do yoga on playgrounds & practice my handstand & monkey bars & play dress up & run 5k's with 40 lb toddlers on my back & find all things lost because boys (and the man) never "move" things when they're looking & I make the best spaghetti (per my boys) & cut the pb&j's the right way & fluff the pillows right & buy the good toilet paper & make sure we never run out of milk or hair gel & this goes on... So I own my place as the Matriarch of our family. I make people laugh & I give the best kind of hugs, people know they can come to me in all things, so I own my place as the Therapist and Best Friend. I love to read & blog but always forget to make time for either, so I own my place as a Slacker. I have an obsession with Coffee, Wine, Beer, & Bourbon... So I own my label as a drinker. I donate time and love & energy to this world because I love it. I hug trees and homeless people, so I own my title as Hippie... But then because I'm a Working Mom, I go to my day job & make sure people are paid to knock said trees down so we can build houses. I learned to paint, bake, and I kept a cichlid alive, so I'm now crafty. I still hate cardio. I still love gluten. I am perfect & flawed & wonderfully made... So excuse me while I embrace Who I Am, plop my exhausted self down in this throne and own it...

Do not shy away from the person that you are, someone could be waiting on the real you.
