Monday, January 6, 2014

2014 in review. Well, a week of it. ;)

Can you be productive AND lazy, at the same time? I'm pretty sure that's been the best way to describe my family this "New" year so far! It's only the 5th, but I swear, together, me and my clan of guys have done more cleaning and watched more football and cartoons in the past week than we have in quite a while! Finally had a little time at home and decided to make THE MOST of it I guess?! I explained to Munchkin that there are kids out there that don't have any clothes or food or toys of their own, so my 3 yr old opened his big ol heart, sat down with me, and we now have an overflowing basket of goodies to donate to the Crisis Ministry. He actually gave away more than he's keeping, and that's ok. Boyfriend tackled our laundry, so to him, I owe thanks for the jeans I'll actually be able to wear tomorrow in 20 degree weather, saving me from the maxi dresses that would have been my last resort clothing option in this time of frostbite. I, who is in love with naps, even skipped mine yesterday and only took a 10 minute power surge today to accomplish a whopping to do list. Dishes, kitchen, our bedroom, kids room, all done. I even vacuumed the whole house with a baby on my hip while standing on one foot most of the time. (The other foot was being used to move things around or pick stuff up out of te way, I have talented toes.) in the mix of all this heart happy decluttering, it was a great weekend for my sanity in FOOTBALL. Can we say WHO DAT and #PantherNation!? My Monster even learned to yell "TOUCHDOWN" clearly. Because my kids are MY kids, they paused during all this donating and football to of course, snap a selfie of themselves. Clever tots, I have. So far, this year had been filled with love. Big hugs, sweet kisses, open hearts and generosity, plans for our future, and some serious quality conversation between my whole family and God. I feel, no, I know, he had big mind blowing plans for us this year, and I can't wait to follow his lead if the happiness we've had so far is any indication of the happiness to come!

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